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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am so impressed with myself...

You know it's weird. I can run a blog, make a reasonable amount of cash, etc. etc. yet I can't seem to successfully sell an item on Ebay.

I bought this Philips mp3 player for around $60 a few months ago. After buying a newer and better Creative MuVo mp3 player, I decided to sell the Philips player on Ebay.

The item has now sold, and the tally is as follows:

Purchase Price: $60.00

Sell Price on Ebay: $2.99

Total Profit: -$57.01

Wow...Donald Trump, look out!!

Perhaps I should have just donated it to charity.

A lot of bloggers are moving their blogs from the main blog providers to become self-hosted. Sometimes a self-hosted blog with its own domain can rank higher in the search engines and open up a lot of opportunities for bloggers. I have not made the move yet, I am still deciding which web hosting service can offer me the best deal. It is a decision for the individual blogger, and there are factors to consider such as:
1. Page Rank - you will initially lose your page rank, and it will build up again over time. For many it is worth it. For my PR4 blog, I am hesitant at this stage. For others it will be an easy decision to make.
2. Alexa will need to be recalculated from scratch.
3. When you move the blog to your self-hosted domain, it will be 100% yours. Nobody can delete it for violation of terms of service and you are basically the owner with no drawbacks.
4. You will need to resubmit to Technorati - your authority will begin again. If your blog is relatively new, it is a good idea to make the move early to avoid having to build up these stats again.
5. You will need to forward all your traffic to your new address. Some people will keep their old blog running and direct all traffic to a new blog that begins where the old one left off. This has been an acceptable method of moving for some bloggers.
If you are wanting to move your current blog, continue an older blog on a new hosting service, or start a new blog altogether, you can compare the cheapest web hosting rates and features at webhostinggeeks, which has been running reviews and comparisons of webhosts since 2004.

Many of the current web hosting services are relatively cheap (ie. many are offering webhosting for around $5 or under per month) and some include unlimited lifetime domain names, which is very handy if you have the perfect domain name and don't want to ever give it up or renew after 2 years. For those who do not have a lot of site building experience, many of these companies offer email and phone support to help with set up and site maintenance. The site currently features the 2008 winner for blog hosting - Bluehost - offering $4.95 per month and free setup, domain hosting and unlimited storage. For those who have next to no web programming experience, there is a drag-and-drop site builder and 24/7 support.
The webhosts are rated by a five star system:

You can submit your own ratings of your current web host and share your experiences and information to let people know which are the most reputable and which are the webhosts to avoid. By reading others' reviews you will get a more complete picture of each webhost and the services experienced from the customer's viewpoint.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

I have been trying for quite some time to make an 3 column footer so I can tuck my buttons away neatly. Every code I have tried has failed using New Blogger. I realised that there is a much easier way of creating such a display without knowing too much about html and CSS. I created this code (it's not that difficult - just a simple table!) and I have used a variation of this code in my footer.

Here are the steps:

1. Log in to New Blogger

2. Choose "Layout"

3. Insert new widget at footer (choose "html/javascript")

4. Insert this amazing code here (heheh!):

<div align="left">
<table width="520" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="154">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="169">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="197">&nbsp;</td>

5. Replace the "&nbsp" parts with whatever text, code, html - just copy your button code and paste it in.

6. Cut and paste the whole code into your footer widget and publish.

You can edit the table widths etc, if you have an html editor such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver it will be easier for you to preview the final result.