I am a geek. There. I said it. Sometimes it's important to get these things out in the open so we can grow and move on. So I love anything geeky, be it sci-fi related, gadgety or gizmo-y. Geeky Gadgets is a nifty site with links to gadgets, geeky things and coupons for the online acquisition of gadgets (an important pastime, and a personal fave of mine). There are some fun posts on such wonders of the sacred tomes to nerd wisdom:
I of course have bought, cataloged, memorized and translated this book into 7 different languages, including Klingon. It contains references to Yoda, who has shaped my philosophy much more than any religious organization could manage. It was Yoda who equated fear with anger, and espoused the Ghandi-esque path of non-aggression and zen fighting. After all, if you are an evil angry dude, what do you do when the other dude refuses to fight, or puts down their weapon. Yoda taught the most important lesson of resolving conflict - mess with the other dude's head. A lot.
This wacky site provides all things required by a man who shuns fresh air, the sun, vegetables, eats too much junk food and lives in his mother's basement.
I'm looking at you, Warlock.