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Sunday, December 10, 2000

Advertise on SaveSaveSave and put yourself in front of thousands of people with an interest in online shopping!
Google Page Rank - 4
Alexa Rank ~ 200K

Single Payment - Text Link

Your ad will appear in the "Featured Sites" section. (see Right Sidebar)

Text Link  Advertising

Single Payment - Picture Advertising

Your ad will appear in the "Featured Sites" section. (see Right Sidebar)
Picture advertising: size 125x125 pixels


125 x 125 Picture Advertising


Recurring Payment - Text Link

You can now subscribe for recurring billing each month.  Your text link will remain in the "Featured Sites" section.

Monthly Advertising Link $30
enter email address and press "subscribe":


Recurring Payment - Picture Advertising

Picture Advertising:

Monthly Advertising Image $50


For questions or to discuss your custom advertising needs, email me at violetfrog7 [at] yahoo dot com dot au

All prices shown are US dollars.

I have been visiting the website of Yaro Starak for some time now, gaining tips and valuable information on becoming a successful blogger. I consider myself a successful blogger but Yaro makes over $5000 USD per month from his blog, which is where many bloggers aspire to be right now.

Yaro has just launched a brand new mentoring program for people who want to earn a full time income from blogging part time.

When you consider the number of programs that don't work, use up valuable time and cause frustration, it makes sense to get good advice from someone who has not only been there before, but someone who continues to grow and thrive in the blogging world.

The program is less than $100 a month to become a member and you get direct access to your own blog mentor, plus all kinds of audios, videos and e-lessons to help you make money from your own blog.

You can read more about the program here:

Blog Mastermind Coaching

It''s called Blog Mastermind and I expect there will be a lot of people interested in the program because so many people like the idea of making money from blogs.

Click here to join the Blog Mastermind Mentoring Program

You can find out more about blog monetization by downloading this free ebook:

Click here to download the Blog Profits Blueprint

Click here to get The Blog Profits Blueprint


The SEO Book

A lot of people underestimate the importance of SEO when it comes to promoting your blog. SEO has become more complicated in recent times and as a lot of bloggers know, page rank and alexa traffic are king.

SEO training programs are crucial if you want to make your blog seriously competitive in today's blogging world. This is the difference between bloggers who get the wide readership and those who don't. Aaron Wall's SEO Book is a great way to get serious web visibility.

Here are some free SEO Tools for optimizing your blog:

SEO Tools

Find out more about the training program here:

Learn Search Engine Optimization Today


I have noticed that a lot of people create a blog or a website but don't know where to go from there. I struggled with SEO issues and monetizing quandaries for a long time when what I should have been doing was building more content and focusing on my readers. Sound familiar?

These questions may also sound familiar:

  • Where is my traffic coming from?

  • How do I make sure people notice my site?

  • How can I make an income from my website?

  • How can I get the right start for my blog or website?
It makes it easy for you to create your own website quickly and easily, whether or not you have any technical knowledge whatsoever. Site Build It does the analysis for you to predict the most profitable route.

The concept was designed by Ken Envoy, who has created countless successful websites for many budding site owners.

I learned about this site from Allan Gardyne - a successful affiliate marketer since 1998. Allan is amongst many people who use Site Build It (SBI) for their websites with much success.

The site offers a no-obligation test drive of the program which is the best way to see if Site Build It is right for you.

The affiliate program is another method to make money - this is reported to be the most generous affiliate program by people such as Steve Pavlina and other successful web marketers. Even if you never join Site Build It you can grow your online earnings as an affiliate.

How does an affiliate program work?

  • Every person you refer to the Site Build It program earns you a commission ($75)

  • Get paid annual commissions on renewals

  • The 5 pillar earnings add up quickly

  • Tools provided to help you generate sales more effectively

  • $0 cost to join
Click here to sign up as an affiliate for Site Build It!

The popularity of Site Build It has grown through the use of video testimonials and the trend seems to be growing. Testimonials can be found here.


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Friday, January 28, 2000

Access to your Free Report "How To Be A Super Saver" here:



Friday, January 14, 2000