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Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I love fridge magnets. There really is no end to these little beauties. Whenever I think I've seen every possible configuration, somebody comes up with a new concept. It seems you can put anything on a fridge these days, just attach a magnet and off you go.

Here are some of my faves:

Ladybug Fridge Magnet
So cute!!

Child Proof House Fridge Magnet
I love her deranged smile...

Art Deco Travel Poster (Leather) Fridge Magnet
I love Art Deco posters, I would pretty much buy Art Deco anything. They don't make 'em like that anymore...

Origami Fridge Magnet
Beware. I am a black belt in Origami.

Leaf Fridge Magnet
From the people that brought you "Tree" - now here's "Leaf!"

You can make magnets out of anything and everything. It would also be fun to make fridge magnets out of ordinary household items. Just buy a pack of magnets on ebay and start creating!!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Would you pay 15 thousand dollars for a meat pie?

Well I wouldn't, I'm a vegetarian.

In a recent NineMSN Travel article, a number of expensive menu items are detailed - here are the Top 6 Expensive Meals:

#1 $1156 Caviar Omelette (Norma's New York)
I don't care if they use caviar from the rarest fish in the world and dodo eggs.
I can whip up an omelette in about 7 minutes using free-range Victorian grown eggs. Whack in a bit of caviar from the deli if you must but either way you'll save about $1149.

#2 $193 Chicken Club Sandwich (Cliveden, London)
Apparently the kind of meal recommended by Henry IV. A good king by all accounts but rather expensive taste. Made from 30 month air cured ham. Eeew!! Perhaps we are paying by the month for this service...

#3 $15,820 Wagyu Beef Pie (Fence Gate Inn, Lancashire)
Made with $965 per kilo beef. What, did the cows eat gold during their time on this earth? I'm sure it's a nice pie, at almost $2000 per slice it would want to be. If it's anything like the pies I have sampled at the footy at the MCG, I'd rather a nice used car if it's all the same to you.

#4 $1146 Ice Cream Sundae (Serendipidy 3, New York)
And I thought the Pancake Parlour was expensive! Whee!! 23 carat edible gold leaf. From what I've read, gold is the sort of thing you buy and keep in a safe or under your bed - as opposed to stuffing it in your noggin'. Each to his own I suppose.

#5 $289 Truffle Chocolate (Knipschild, Conneticut)
A rare French perigod truffle surrounded by a... chocolate truffle. It's enough to give you a Knippshion (sic)!
Big whoop. Gimme a six pack of Ferrero Rochers and we'll call it even.

#6 $10,000 Diamond Martini (Algonquin Hotel, New York)
I've had expensive nights out. Just last Friday I had $25 in Wild Turkey shots and a lovely hangover to boot. This diamond martini, it appears, hurts your wallet as well as your head. But the bonus? You get a diamond stuffed down the bottom of your glass. Whacko the doodle bang. A real diamond. If I want a martini, I'll buy a martini. If I want a diamond, I'll go to a jeweller's.
Important Note: Don't drink this one too fast.

Sooo, I could either have the most expensive meal in my life...
For $28,604 I could buy a 2005 Volkswagen Golf and have $11,454 left over for a nice holiday in Byron Bay.

Which would you choose?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

During my online shopping exploits, I have created a large number of collections, be it cookware, DVDs, clothing or gadgets.

I am proud to announce: My cookware collection is almost complete (say in Darth Vader voice!)

Regular readers of my blog are aware of my Baccarat cookware obsession. There is something about stainless steel with a copper base that makes cooking that much easier. After hunting around many online shopping outlets, I discovered

I ran a search for cookware on the site to see if I could get some kind of deal:

My prayers were answered rather quickly as I spied an 18cm Baccarat pot normally priced at $70 selling for $44.95. Without hesitating I pressed the "buy" button and filled out my details. I was able to pay with paypal, making it even easier for me to... SHOP!!! (insert crazed PayPal convenience induced frenzy here)

The pot arrived in mint condition. The speedy delivery was facilitated by a reputable courier service and the item was vaccuum wrapped very carefully. I really couldn't fault the service and would buy from again.

Other bargains I have bagged from this site:

High Definition Set Top Box with HDMI and DVI - $149 (this was at a time when HD set top boxes were around $399!)

I have never had a problem with this unit. It was a bargain at the time and it is still up to date in 2010.

Baccarat Pinnacle Stockpot with lid (5.4L) - I told you I was obsessed with Baccarat! Normal retail price was somewhere around $120 but I nabbed it for $34.95. And I got a special delivery discount during a half-price delivery promotion period, saving another five dollars in the process.

Be sure to look out for the slam dunk 24 hour deal - a heavily discounted sale item that only lasts for - you guessed it - 24 hours!

I must say that my shopping expeditions are going extremely well and I am saving a heap of money. I will be returning to shortly to search for HD recorders.

Searching is simple - for example you can type in "Hard Drive recorder" to see the results:

You can then reorder the listings by lowest price, highest price and popularity.

This allows you to search within your budget and get the best possible deal. I desperately need to get a hard drive recorder to catch up on all the tennis and golf events that are screened at 3am. And that would be past my bedtime (tee hee!)... But that's another story....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rant time.

The old 2 minute noodles had a tangy flavour - a kind of salty, zingy hit. Apparently Maggi have taken it upon themselves to do some sort of focus group study.

You know the kind where the "consultant" guy gets paid $750 per hour to talk, well... bollocks.

"Okaaay. You know what 2 minute noodles need? Let's ask a random selection of bland-palated people and see what they think."

"Okay, now they have chosen the cardboard tasteless ones, we need a name"

"We'll brand them as 'EXTRA DELICIOUS' - they'll love it!"


Extra delicious to who? People with a cold?

Thanks to this treachery, we now have 2 minute noodles with very little flavour and barely-recognisable rehydrated vegetables. Vegetables that are still crunchy when the noodles are cooked!! Mmmm....

But you know what? They are now 14 grams lower in fat!! And "ovenbaked"...


You know what I want? I want those 14 grams of fat re-absorbed into those noodles so I can have the taste back.

What happened to my ridiculously wrong munchy snack that tastes like real (pardon the pun) 2 minute noodles!?!?

Grrrr!!! ARgh!!!

~End Rant.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How does Skype to Go Work? I was a little confused about this so I had to do a little research. I wanted to make international calls from my mobile as I have a growing need to talk to overseas contacts. I tried calling using normal Skype and although it was cheap and convenient, at times my microphone has managed to cut out at inopportune moments. This can make it difficult to carry on a trans-Atlantic conversation without worrying about the quality of the line.

I wanted the freedom to call internationally from my mobile, and it just so happens Skype to Go does just that.

I found Skype to Go on the main Skype website and decided to give it a try - I used my existing account with Skype (it's free to sign up) and I decided since I was going to be calling overseas frequently, I would buy around $16 credit. I have called the US around 10 times using this service and the calls are ridiculously cheap. My balance has hardly budged at all and it will probably take me a few years to fully run it down.

How it works:

You are assigned your own Skype to Go number - I have mine programmed into my mobile phone.

On the Skype site you can set up a kind of speed dial phonebook - the great thing about setting up the numbers through Skype is that it automatically puts in the country code - all you need to do is nominate the country you are calling.

From your mobile, you can now call your Skype to Go number and the menu gives you the option of calling a number manually or selecting any one of your speed dial contacts.

Skype to Go will now put you through to the international number and you pay around 9c per call, which is an amazing deal considering most mobile phone rates for international calls.

The brilliant thing is that with $16 credit, I can call Australia to the US over 150 times before I even need to think about recharging.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Choosing the right heater involves a number of factors, not least the consideration of energy usage. Fan heaters warm up a room, unfortunately they warm up your heating bill too!! A new breed of infrared heaters has recently emerged, utilising new technologies to keep you warm and cool down your heating bills at the same time.

The RedCore 1500 heater is a state of the art multi-faceted device, acting as a heater, an air purifier and humidifier. The problem with many heaters is the a tendency to dry out the air while heating, causing difficulties for people with allergies and respiratory issues. The RedCore 1500 replaces lost moisture and purifies the air of dust and allergens, creating a comfortable environment in which you can breathe easily. So, no more dry winter air, dry skin, no more pollen, dust and no more dry sinuses!

According to the manufacturer, this heater can save you 50% on your heating bill, using only a miserly 1500 watts.

The infrared heater warms instantly and can heat areas of 1000 square feet. Other features include remote control LCD, temperature display and timer. The heater also comes with a 1-year replacement warranty. The unit comes in silver, light wood and dark wood finishes.

This post brought to you by Air & Water Inc.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's that time of the Christmas shopping period where some people are relaxed, all presents wrapped and ready to go, slippers on, eggnog in hand.

Other people may be in the midst of mind-bending panic trying to get everything purchased before December 25th. The crowds, the pressure, the "what the heck am I doing in this department - everything's starting to look the same" experience. During my shopping expeditions to the Melbourne CBD, I found myself armed with a list, a credit card, some dollars and the beginnings of a whopper headache. After the third shop my eyes began to glaze over and my mind began to fantasise about settling down with a nice cold beer and potato wedges. I don't know what it is about shopping that makes me so hungry. Maybe it's because I'm in survival mode and my body sends out signals to eat to preserve the continuation of the human race. Shopping will do that to you.

I should have taken my own advice and done most of my shopping online. For some reason my online shopping mainly involved buying myself some Christmas presents - perhaps to reward my subconscious for putting up with 2 and a half hours of the most annoying species of shopping humans:

1. Slow Walkers - The thing about Christmas shopping is that MOST people are in a hurry. Probably because there are only 72 hours to Christmas and some of us haven't even bought wrapping paper. Slow walkers are content to amble aimlessly, admiring the crowds, staring at concrete and mesmerised by traffic lights. Slow walkers are the natural enemy of efficient shoppers and tend to approach backwards using stealth and cunning.

2. Bag Whackers - These shoppers come in two forms - those that whack you with a bag and those that whack the bags you are carrying. I try to keep my bags out of everybody's way, daintily dodging and weaving so as not to gonk anyone in the shins. Bag whackers on the other hand are either training for the marathon, arms waving and thumping every bag in sight, or they are carrying half the shareholder's investment at Myer and try to squeeze past thirty people trying to get in the back carriage at Flinders Street.

3. Directional Changers - One of the most dangerous to those carrying anything made from glass or crystal are the directional changers. Like poisonous snakes they wind from side to side, occasionally walking backwards or diagonally without first checking to see if anyone is in their path. If you do see one of these shoppers, stay well clear and hide any breakables.

4. Inexplicable Stoppers - Possibly the worst of the lot. Imagine you are walking behind someone who appears to be walking with purpose. And suddenly inexplicable stopper er... stops. They don't do anything or go anywhere - for example, into a shop, to a stall to buy a drink, to give money to a street artist. No, they just stop. In front of nothing. With blank expressions on their faces. It makes me think of that new Bruce Willis film where robots dressed as people suddenly all stop. Perhaps inexplicable stoppers are actually robots, infiltrating our Christmas shopping habits and stopping to report back to base. Or maybe the heat just makes their joints rusty.

For some of us, the only things left on the list are stocking fillers. Little knick-knacks and last minute curios that add to the Christmas spirit and make it look like there are more presents under the tree. These examples may give you ideas as to what to put in your own stockings this Christmas.

Apple iPod Touch Accessories

Canon Deluxe Grey Leather Case

Sandisk 4GB Memory Card

Crayola Glow Station

Thursday, December 17, 2009

An excellent place to find a wide array of coupon codes for various items is at the nifty UK based site Unbeatable. Whether you are shopping for kitchen goods, games consoles, or a new flat screen TV, this site pretty much has it all.

Coupon codes can save a lot of money at the electronic checkout. If you can track down a coupon code for a purchase, it's always a good idea to use it. Some codes provide free shipping, some codes will offer a percentage off the listed price and others will offer discounts for purchases over a specified amount.

Updated coupon codes appear each day and new offers are added regularly so it is a good idea to check back to hunt for new bargains and special deals.

If you are interested in buying a specific product, you can find product comparisons, user generated reviews and comprehensive buying guides to help you make an informed purchase. For example, say that I am interested in purchasing a blu-ray player. I can compare prices from different outlets, find the best model as reviewed by other buyers and read a buying guide such as "Battle between blu-ray and HD DVD - the question is who will win?" as featured on the site. By the time I make my purchase, I will have the best possible price all the relevant information to confidently buy the item. And I may even score a coupon code to further discount my purchase.

Here are some examples of the latest discounts.

As you can see, some of the offers last from shorter periods up to 14 days. The savings are quite substantial and worth checking out.

For convenience you can also follow Unbeatable on Twitter for up to the minute deals and coupon codes so you never miss out on the latest bargains.

This post brought to you by

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Pearl Necklace is iconic, made famous by many style icons including Audrey Hepburn and more recently Angelina Jolie. The point is, pearls never go out of style.

Ladies Fair features a wide array of pearl pendants, earrings, in sizes ranging from 6mm to 9mm. The prices start at under $30, which is great for budget last minute Christmas shoppers.

The different types of pearls come in many beautiful varieties of black and white:

A great example of the white pearl range is this beautiful Akoya 9mm pearl pendant. The price is a very reasonable $138.60

Personally, I love black pearls. Black pearls are mysterious, elegant and just have a special something about them.

These Tahitian pearl earrings are 8.5-9mm and set in white gold $210.38

And if you're looking for something a little bit different,

I especially love this cute pearl fortune cat made from 4mm pearls $138

If you are very particular about your design idea, you can also get custom made pearl jewellery for that special someone.

I remember when my Grandma's pearls used to sit in a box on her mirrored dresser. I would always take them out and wear them for fun when playing dress ups. And I was taught that pearls are not the kind of thing you bring out once a year - they must be worn to truly bring out their lustre. No matter what your age, pearls are a timeless reminder of natural beauty.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Are you sick of giving and receiving unwanted gifts each Christmas? *Yawn* another icky t-shirt, oh great, more socks and a jumper... wheee...

If you want to do something different this Christmas, consider giving something that will not only make a difference, but will make you smile as well.

I am very passionate about giving OxfamUnwrapped gifts and have been doing so for the last 5 years. Just knowing that you are funding an entire year of schooling for one child, contributing to small business microcredit loans and training for women and buying mosquito nets, clean water, soap and farming training for people who are truly in need.

You can give these gifts and get a free card to send to your recipient to let them know what their gift has bought for communities in need of support.

Some of the great gifts you can give to family and friends include:

Seeds $10

High quality vegetable seeds to increase crop yield for farmers.

Clean Water Jar $15

Hygienic water storage to protect against bugs and other impurities.

Start a Small Business $14

Affordable microcredit loans for starting up a small business to gain self-sufficiency and improve quality of life for families.

These gifts are so easy to give, and your gift gives twice. You can give a card to your loved one and a life-changing boost to a family who will really appreciate the gift. All gifts are tax deductible.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

This innovative jewellery takes recycling to a new level. Coloured pencils and silver make up these amazing rings and other pieces. The artist's name is Maria Cristina Bellucci (source: Klimt02)

technorati tags:

You might also be interested in this offer, it seems that the guys at SurveyDollar are now paying people to take surveys. They are offering two special free bonuses including a copy of "Project Payday" and if you sign up now you can get instant unlimited access to a list of paid survey companies.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Triumph lingerie in Tokyo has come up with yet another bizarre invention. The current offering is a corset-style green top that doubles as a putting mat. The accessories include a tee, a ball on a chain, a "be quiet" sign and pockets for extra balls and tees.

The only slight problem I can see with the garment is that in order to play golf, you need to be naked from the waist up. Perhaps these will catch on a nudist camps...

But... who really wants to play nudie golf? When does one get the urge to strip off the gear and putt at the same time? Golf is a rather conservative game, last time I checked. The dress code usually calls for um... clothes.

I not entirely sure but I'm guessing that a female probably didn't invent this.

The invention is a response to the trend of a large percentage of Japanese women taking up the game of golf.

Perhaps the study also found that these women also liked to play topless golf, or specified being naked in some way.

As a putting mat, it's not half bad. It has an electronic voice that says "nice shot!" every time you make the putt. That would drive me nuts after about 2.5 seconds (provided I can make a putt in 2.5 seconds!!)

As a garment however, I wouldn't want to wear it. It features bra cups that appear to be sadistically made out of metal muffin tins. Perhaps it has another function as a cooking device...

Given the nature of this strange novelty garment for women, I'd hate to see what the male version looks like.

Putting To Win - Tour Pro Reveals Easiest Way To Lower Scores. The Culmination Of Seven Years Work, This E-book Is Packed With Information, For Anyone Who Seriously Wants To Improve Their Golf Scores.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Christmas is looming again and it's time to shop, whether we like it or not. Personally I prefer to avoid the Christmas crush in the bigger stores and shop online, from the comfort of my own computer. But that's just my little quirk.

Here are some ideas for gifts under $15:

1. Blue Dolphin Ocarina

If you have played Legend of Zelda you may already know what an ocarina is. If not, its a terracotta wind instrument with holes, something akin to a recorder or flute.

2. Japanese Design Mouse Mats
If you have the same boring plain mousepad as everyone else, be different!! Gold leaf mousepad featuring Japanese artwork.

3. Reusable Leather Journal/Note pad Holder
This is my personal pick for the cutest gift ever - perfect for the person who carries a notebook everywhere they go.

4. 15 Wines Under $15
Technically this isn't just one present. But who cares. Wine makes a good present. (Checks vintage) Then again, maybe not (*pops cork*)

5. Penguin Holiday Pendant
This would make a great present for a daughter / granddaughter / niece - very cute, very Christmassy. The pendant is the same size as a standard scrabble tile.

Happy Shopping!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

For the elderly and movement impaired, a Medical Alert system can literally be a lifeline. For most of us, there are people we care about - parents, grandparents who are perhaps living alone without the aid of a carer. Despite our best efforts, we can't always be there. I'll present two scenarios:

1. A man/woman is at home, has had a fall and is not able to push a button. In this case a device named "fall alert" contains a fall detector. This device is worn on the person and when a fall is detected, will call the 24 hour monitoring service which in turn alerts relatives and medical personnel. The alerts continue until someone is dispatched to the residence.

2. A man/woman, perhaps suffering from Alzheimer's wanders into a strange neighbourhood and cannot find their way back home. In this case a GPS tracking bracelet featuring a two-way speakerphone. This Medical Alert device can be used by the wearer as one would use a mobile phone to call for help. Similarly, the GPS device will send an alert if the person has wandered off and can't be contacted.

Other products include smoke alarms, intruder alarms, inactivity detectors and panic buttons for peace of mind and security.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My first foray into creating a style board on Kaboodle. Warning - this is addictive!!

Cap, scarf, GPS, bronze, browns and reds - for that stylish driving holiday:
(click for a closer look!)

A Drive In The...
A Drive In The... by violetlight7

There will be more of these to come...

Must... create... styleboard.... Aaargh!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The garden is a wondrous place, full of exciting smells, sights and sounds. Some gardens look a bit more like... well, a jungle. Which is great if you're going for that "jungle theme" thing, or perhaps to create a maze for the kiddies!! But... if you want to organise your jungle, I mean garden a little more, here are some exciting garden accessory ideas to get you thinking:

Personally, I am a big fan of terracotta / clay items in the garden. They seem to blend well with the natural environment and they are hardy and long-wearing (as long as you don't have charging bulls in your backyard - however most don't have this problem and I'm getting slightly off topic!!)

These decorative planters made from weathered terracotta are beautiful in their simplicity and function. An outdoor planter would be perfect for growing a small vegie patch - a few lettuce, tomato, even some herbs!

This bird bath would make a great feature - additionally, you can install a feeder and attract all kinds of beautiful native birds to your garden.

Whatever you choose for your garden, be aware of size and scope. If you don't have much of a garden or none at all, you could install window box planters and grow flowers or herbs. Choose colours and materials that blend with your garden environment. And don't forget to remove those weeds so your real plants can shine through.