. . .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was in a grocery store checking out ginger tea today and I happened to hear the following conversation:

"I would like to apply for an account."

"Did you bring your undies?"

This had me bemused for a moment. Why would someone request underwear for a store account application? Is this some kind of security in case the person in question rushes off without paying their account?

"Ha ha!! You can't go!! I've got your undies!!"

After about a minute of wandering I caught another part of the conversation and finally made the connection. She was saying "Do you have any IDs?".

The tyranny of the English language. I'm glad I don't have to learn it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Most people are now becoming aware that energy efficient light globes save energy and therefore help the environment. What many people may not realise is that energy efficient light globes contain small quantities of mercury that can be released into the atmosphere if the globe should break.

Safety tips you should know:

  • Energy efficient light bulbs contain around 5 milligrams of mercury
  • A sealed energy efficient light bulb is deemed to be safe for human use
  • If broken, do not touch with bare hands
  • Wear disposable face mask (available from most supermarkets)
  • Do not vacuum parts of broken energy efficient light bulb
  • Clean with a wet cloth
  • Wear gloves
  • Seal in plastic bag and place in household rubbish
  • Do not place in recycling bin - broken CFL globes may contaminate recyclables
  • If globe has blown but remains intact, contact your local council for recycling services
To balance this out, fossil fuel burning contributes to 80% of mercury in the atmosphere, so the energy efficient light globes actually reduce mercury in the atmosphere by reducing energy consumption and reliance on fossil fuels. Compact fluorescent light globes also help to reduce greenhouse gas and carbon emissions.

For energy efficient light globe disposal in your area:

Ikea Energy Efficient Light Bulb Recycling Service
Planet ARK - Search for Energy Efficient Light Bulb Recycling in Your Area


Disposal of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Patrick Swayze has died. It doesn't seem real yet. I loved his movies but most of all I loved Point Break, which to many people was much more than just a film.

To me he will always be "Bodhi".

R.I.P. Brother

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Michael Angel's bright colours and bold designs made a splash at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion week in NY. It's no surprise really, Michael Angel was instrumental in the success of SABA in the 1990s.

I must say it is nice to see an fellow Melburnian making headway in the US fashion industry. To celebrate his achievements, I have added Michael Angel to the growing list of designers on my "let's go shopping" section. Be warned, however - these items can be difficult to find and you need to be quick to find a bargain before it is snapped up.

I will end with a quote from Michael Angel in an interview with The Age newspaper:

"For lots of Australian artists you have to leave Australia to know you're any good."

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Artists Impression of Gilese 581d, photo credit HelloFromEarth

HelloFromEarth was set up to send messages from Earth to a planet named Gliese 581d, a planet that is speculated to possibly contain life. The messages were moderated, approved and sent on the 28th August 2009. The messages were sent from the NASA/CSIRO Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, Australia.

Here are some of my favourite messages currently on their way to Gilese 581d:

"Greetings strangers. If you need an interpreter for these messages, I'm great at languages. Let me know, got no plans for the next 50 years or so."

"I think that you already know my husband. He is from another planet! Drive carefully and don't speed. See you soon. GM. xxx"

"Hello Neighbour, Please don’t consider these messages as alien-spam! Thanks, Lonely Earth"

"Look forward to working with you skateboarding!And also invite you to eat dumplings!"

"Long live Dave Grohl. Long live Foo Fighters. Long live Czech beer. Let's rock!"

"Alien dude, need tickets to Pearl Jam."

The messages will take around twenty years to reach their destination and will take around twenty years for a reply to come back to earth. A total of 25,880 messages were sent with a file size of 2,845,539 bytes.

I hope they have broadband.