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Sunday, January 16, 2011

I have discovered through experience with my own startup sites that choosing server hosting is much more important than we might think. If you just choose the first hosting plan you come across, it may be cheap now, but it may also cost you in the future. Which begs the question - why do I need a dedicated managed server?  The main reason is that with a dedicated server, you will not have to share bandwidth or server space with other sites.

You may be wondering "How could a managed server help me with my website?"
If you run your own internet business or are looking to start up a store or memebership site, you can take advantage of a dedicated server package to add shopping cart software, databases and the like.  It basically leaves you free to add features as your business grows. If you do not pick this option, your website may be limited in the future as new technologies become available and more space is needed.

A dedicated server plan can keep your online business running constantly, leaving no room for downtime. You do not want to be competing for bandwidth against other websites and losing out on traffic and customers as a result. Another welcome feature is the added security, firewalls, monitoring and backup service that come as part of the dedicated server package. You can also opt for unlimited hosting and never worry about bandwidth or disk space again. If you have questions you can discuss custom requirements to suit your business and get the best advice to ascertain which plan is the right choice for your website.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope it's a great holiday period for all!

I have noticed a lot of people on tv, news and the like repeating "let's not forget what Christmas is about."

By repeating this phrase, it is clear that we have indeed forgotten what Christmas is about and need to be reminded all the time.

The fact that we celebrate the birth and life of an ascetic by buying stuff is a bit beyond me. But then, I run a shopping blog so what do I know...

So we celebrate the birth of Jesus, a non-material man with meagre possessions who wandered the land healing people and performing miracles.

It's not actually about the arrival of a rather obesese, materialistic Coca-Cola manufactured dude in a red suit.

It would be interesting to know the percentages of children who realise that Christmas isn't about getting the new Nintendo Wii so they can gloat to their school friends who didn't receive the latest gadget.

I watched a YouTube video where a kid received a book as a present. His response was "What the heck is this?" It seems that the spirit of Christmas is out of reach for many people.

I hope in some small way, we all find our own peace on earth, whatever it may be.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This post brought to you by Pier 1 Imports. All opinions are 100% mine.

Tis the season to be jolly.  And buy a rather large selection of holiday gifts.  The feeling of relief when we have bought the last gift, the final tick off the list and it's time to relax.  Right now I am looking at stocking stuffers from Pier 1.  Plush animals are often a good bet, cuteness being the universal currency of gift giving.

These little fellas are in the  $14-24 range.   Choose from crocs, zebras and owl or even a monkey!

Being a Scorpio, I am also partial to a bit of astrologically targeted gift giving.  According to the "Astrologically friendly gifts" section on the site, Scorpios are one of the most enigmatic signs of the zodiac.  Well I already knew that!  But I think they have me pretty well pegged, as I am quite partial to a bit of ocean-inspired art and I love plush bed stuff!  I can't speak for all Scorpios but I am a fan of all things Conan-Doyle-ish.  That is, large mahogany desks, banker's lamps and of course, a beautiful wooden globe.

This globe is a perfect pressie under $50!

For the perfect Christmas gathering, my must have would have to be this "yoga frog" centrepiece (around $25!

Nothing says Christmas more than a meditating frog!  Add some peace and goodwill to your table with this serene froggy!

To make you feel even more peaceful and benevolent during the holiday season, for every person who "likes" Pier 1 Imports on Facebook, $1 will be donated to Toys for Tots so that Christmas will be a tiny bit merrier for those less fortunate than ourselves.

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