. . .

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I must admit I do absolutely stuff-all with my hair.  I sometimes wash it, I sometimes dye it, but most of the time I pretty much let it take care of itself.

I do like the "grunge look" in hair - which mainly consists of not washing it very often and letting it get a bit of character buildup.  At least, I think that's what you call it.

So I went off for a quick trim at the hairdressers last week and the hairdresser washed my hair.  Big deal, I thought, shampoo and conditioner don't really do much.  However a strange transformation occurred within the space of about 5-10 minutes.

I went from this:

(Minus the zombie eyeshadow!)

To this:

To be honest, it was a little disconcerting, looking like a L'Oreal ad all of a sudden.  I liked it though, and I'll probably get some more of this stuff to use when I can be bothered washing my hair.

My hair has gone grunge again, by the way, in case you were wondering.

I believe you may have to use it more than once!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I don't live in the US but if I did, and even though I don't, I want humans to be safe from guns.

And that means stopping other humans from having guns. Sorry but it does.

You can't legislate against people snapping or being secretly off tap. The US Government needs to stop the madness and get guns under control. THEN maybe we can start working on the humans. Not the other way around.

The "Right to bear arms" (2nd amendment) was passed in December 15, 1791.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

So, in the spirit of the time, here are some wacky and fun facts from the 1700s:
  • Lynch mobs were commonplace
  • It was not particularly frowned upon to kill native Americans.
  • You could take part in a duel... and die.
  • It was ok to own another human as a "slave". (slaves were considered "property" until the 13th amendment was passed.)
  • Public executions were family events
  • Many doctors believed bathing was "unhealthy"

It's 2013.  Sign the petition here:

 Gun Control Petition

 Take the Gun Control survey (US readers only)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Garnier BB Cream - Oil Free

For me, this is the holy grail of skin products.  It goes on matte but not cakey, turns out dewy and stays looking natural and glowy all day.  

Garnier BB Cream Oil Free has all the benefits of the original Garnier BB Cream but without the slide-off factor.  The coverage is better than the original and the consistency is just right.  

This is my pick of the BB creams, foundations and tinted moisturisers.  It stays on, looks natural, provides great coverage and is good for your skin.  Perfect.