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Showing posts with label ebay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebay. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I think I'm getting back on track with my shopping exploits. After a number of weeks of nail-biting (being an Ebay seller is not for the faint of heart), the buyer responded that the item finally arrived. Phew! You know, I don't think I'll try that again for a while. Sometimes I think it's a good idea and I get all optimistic about selling stuff on Ebay, and then the reality hits when I have to buy stamps, postpacks, send stuff with the unpredictable Australia Post and... pray.

So I'm in the clear. Yippee!! Now I can get back to my "buy one item of clothing per week" plan. It's a great plan and it's been working really well so far. It also makes me more likely to eject clothing I have not worn for over 5 years. I think that's probably a sign.

You know, the dress you wore to that wedding and now don't have a use for? (is that bad English? I think SMS texting is messing with my syntax).

And the pair of shoes you wore to that job you hated (or is that just me? Sometimes I get the impression that everyone else is blissfully happy and 'okay' with stuff. They are best of friends with their ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. They still talk to their old bosses that used to treat them like sh!t. They love everyone they went to High School with. I've got one thing to say to them. Bollocks.) But I digress. Again. Where was I?

Oh yes, getting rid of old clothes and making room for the new.

I found this pair of corduroy pants for 0.99c! Hee hee! And the postage was $5.20 so the total of $6.19 (if my maths serves me correctly)...

They seriously arrived the day after I paid for them. So fast! I love it when that happens. It's like getting presents every week.

Can't wait to wash them and try them on... (always a good idea to wash these things - I tried on a top straight from the postpack and spent the rest of the afternoon sneezing with dust up my nose...)

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My wardrobe is filling up slowly. I have slacked off from my "buy 1 item of clothing per week". Why? I don't know. It was going so well. Ebay is like Chi or something, if one bit gets blocked, everything falls on it's bum. I could have been more scientific about it but there it is.

My latest purchase sort of stopped me in my tracks. Surprisingly, it's yet another pair of corduroy jeans in brown (yes, I am a fashion goddess).

The problem with this last pair is not the fit (although they are a tad too big), not the style, but the colour. It is too light! In the photo it looks kind of mid-brown but when I opened the package, it was sort of a light cappucino. Not my thing, really.

I suppose I'll have to sell them now and I don't know what it is but I haven't had much luck with selling anything. I sold a $40 music instruction book for 0.99c and it just goes on from there.

My latest sale - the guy had a wrong address registered on Ebay, I sent it to the registered address and surprise surprise! It didn't get to him. He seemed quite miffed. Then it came back to me, boomerang-style. Then...(grrhrhrrh)... he asked me to post it to him again, to another address. Guess who had to pay the extra postage?? Now he hasn't bothered to contact me so I don't know if it has reached him or not. Nor has he left feedback. I might give up selling and start donating more to charity or something.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

I know it sounds cliche but spring cleaning actually exists. I am struck down my this motivating cleaning bug at almost exactly the same time each year. Big big garbage bag of unwanted clothing went into the Red Cross bin this morning. But there are some things you just don't want to give to charity. Because they have rips, weird stains and other strange anomalies. Also, some things you just don't want other people to have. Sometimes you want to burn something, or let it rot in a hole in the ground. Stuff that reminds you of things you would rather not be reminded of. I think it's best to do what is right for you. If I really want to get rid of something I throw it in the bin. It gives me great pleasure to know that something that I have held on to for far too long will decomposing in landfill, returning to the earth, returning to nature.

It's nice to get rid of the old and make space for the new. It's amazing how many clothes hangers I have now. Just waiting for new clothes....


I'm off to check out some new clothes on Ebay.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Art Deco Detail Wardrobe

I love old art deco stuff. It's such a refreshing change from those "I want my house to look like a cold steel veterinarian's workspace". Current styles suck. Wood is warm and old things are just better. I don't know why, they just are.

more info-

Twin Handled Tray

I've always liked these for some reason, maybe one of my grandparents had one, I don't know. There's something warm and fuzzy about food being served on a wooden tray.

more info-

Metal Dancing Figurine

I love these dancing figures. This one looks like she's getting something off her foot rather than dancing. Still love it, though.

more info-

Art Deco Vanity

You can find this nifty art deco dresser on Ebay for 0.99c at present with just over 3 hours to go in the auction. It doesn't quite go with the garage bricks but you get the idea!

more info-

Art Deco Chairs

According to the description, these need a little restoration but for $34 for 5 chairs it could be a bit of a steal, actually. They look pretty comfy too!

more info-

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Yep, got me some more. I can't stop!

yikes. I write a shopping blog on how to save money and then I turn into a compulsive shopper. Ha! Not really. I don't think buying 10 items in 8 months really qualifies. And considering I ignored clothes in general for 10 years or so I think I have some catching up to do!

Bargain time. This sports top cost me $4.25 on Ebay with $5.00 postage. The ironic thing is that I haven't exercised since I got it. I have got a lot of compliments thanks to this top. But I did buy it for walking in, not parading around getting compliments. Extra walking this week to make up for last week.

P.S. notice how the photo was taken in 2003? Has it been hiding in a closet all this time? Languishing?

These shoes are brilliant. Good quality leather. They cost me $15.10 on Ebay with $10.50 postage. Tip: buy leather shoes. They last. I bought a pair of not-so leathery shoes from Target for $39.95 and I have already worn them out. That's only a few months' wear. Crapola. Go with quality even if it costs a little more. Better still, go with quality if you can get it cheaply. Hehehehehe

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

This post was inspired by the Amazon Women On The Moon segment "Bullshit Or Not?"

Become Invisible

This has everything. Check it out. Importantly, it states this is intended to be used for MORAL PURPOSES ONLY. WTF?

Helping the poor invisibly? Sneaking into people's houses and doing their dishes? I could go on...

Plus as a bonus, you get "The secrets of sexual seduction". Wow. Sexual seduction. As opposed to sporting seduction.

Here are some of the claims (read very loud, red exclamation points everywhere)
  • The inexpensive aroma that makes women DESIRE you
  • Gorilla tactics - seduction for your home and car
Sounds classy yes? Gorilla. Okay...either that's a sneaky play on words or I don't want to know. I just don't. Okay I've got a mental picture now. Thanks.

Plus as an added bonus you get "The Wizard's Book of Animal Secrets"

The claims?
  • Bring dead creatures BACK TO LIFE!
Perhaps they are referring to the gorilla.

Plus invaluable tips on keeping a squirrel in your pocket. You never know when this might come in handy.

An invisible man... meets and seduces a woman... using the power of a pocket squirrel.

Everyone should buy this. Seriously. Only $24.95 (AUS $31.02)

Bullshit Or Not?

The answer is obvious, of course.

If not, would you like to buy my all new just-been-released invisibility / spy / make money online / be irresistible to women ebook? Only $59.95 - postage is free due to digital delivery. Contact me asap if you are interested. ;-)

P.S. The seller's feedback says it all. The first entry reads "I have blowed my money on dumber shit." I rest my case.

P.P.S. The most disturbing thing of all is that some of those who left feedback said it actually worked. ?!?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A few days ago I bid for some more clothing stuff on Ebay. Unfortunately I didn't realise until too late that neither of the items I was bidding on had PayPal as a payment option. Argh! I usually use PayPal because it saves fiddling about with printing out details, going to the Bank of Abu Dhabi (of which there is only one branch 50 km from Melbourne) and so forth.

But what could I do? I had committed to buy. I had forged the sacred bond with the Ebay gods that must never be broken.

So there was nothing for it. I had waited a little longer than usual to pay and each day it seemed more and more impossible to get to the bank. So yesterday was the day. If I didn't pay by 5pm I would be forever branded an Ebay witch and burnt at the Ebay stake.

Unfortunately, this was the day where not only did I have to go to the bank, I didn't have any transport. Not even a lift. So I walked uphill in what seemed like a furious squall. I walked for 20 minutes. So what? You may ask. I walk twenty minutes all the time. However I had to walk UPHILL for 20 minutes, after walking 20 minutes downhill to get there in the first place. Not to mention the 20 minutes I would be walking yet again as soon as I had deposited the Ebay money into the bank.

And you know what my thought was? Over and over again? With every step I took up that f-ing hill?

I should have bid on a PayPal auction. I could have paid with PayPal. All that walking saved. Wind in your ears. Panic in your throat. I could have been sitting back having a cup of tea and a banana. But no. (trudge, trudge) F*ing should have bid on a PayPal auction.

But now I have learned a valuable lesson. The hard way. I'm sure there was an easier way. A friendly email, perhaps? Stumbling onto a blog that speaks of this very thing (chortle, chortle!)
Not walking for 60 whole minutes while it's blowing a gale outside!!!!!!!

(deep breath in)
(deep breath out)
I am calm and relaxed
I am calm and relaxed


I feel better now.

:-) xox

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Whoopee! I have had some success on Ebay with furnishing my new wardrobe. I'm starting from the ground up. That is, feet.

Here is my first foray into (for want of a better word). These are kind of a suede-like material Diana Ferrari runners. Or sneakers as some call them. Or stealthy sneaking espionage covert-operation foot apparatus. I'm using them for running so I'm calling them runners. Or walkers. Argh.

They were $10.50 with $9 postage & handling. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Next up is legs, I have this thing for corduroy. It's warm, comfy and well, I don't know - I just like the material. And brown. For some reason I thought these three would go together perfectly. Red, brown and dark grey with a bit of red on it. I'm no Karl Lagerfeld - for one I don't have enough sunglasses. But I think I got it right here.

These Rip Curl corduroy jeans were $15.15 with $6.00 postage & handling.

Next we move to the torso. I love this T-shirt. I do not love this T-shirt because Jessica Simpson wore it once. In fact I couldn't give a rat's rear end. I love this T-shirt because it's very me. It came all the way from South Korea - customs stamp and everything.

I bought it for $17.50 plus $6.00 postage which is pretty good considering how far it had to travel.

My next purchase will probably be a hat, considering I am doing this from the ground up. So we need to take care of the head, or noggin as it is sometimes called. With a hat. Either that or a tiara. But I think a hat would be more suitable for the cold weather. It will probably be something like this - I like the style termed "newsboy" or "cadet".

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I finally won something on Ebay. It has been quite a while since my efforts have been successful. I find myself placing bids, going away, coming back, watching the clock...

...and when there is 1min 12sec to go on the auction some b@stard starts bidding furiously. No. I say. Mine. I've started to call these people 'snipers' because they are sneaky and bid on all the things you want. Sometimes I wonder if they have even looked at the item before bidding. For some it is the thrill of the chase. For others, like me, it's stocking up my wardrobe which has been sorely neglected over the last 10 years or so. Probably longer. I haven't had much of an interest in fashion because it annoys me. Trying on clothes, matching up colours, trying on more clothes. Blah. I like Ebay because I can look at the sizes, match up outfits and bid away. Without ever encountering a sales assistant. *sigh*

So I finally hit pay dirt when I won this top:

Guess T- Shirt
Final Price: $3.00
Postage: $6.00


The photo doesn't really do it justice but it will look great with jeans.
I have already washed it and hung it out to dry. It's probably a good idea to launder any clothes you buy on Ebay - you don't know where they've been. Eeeew!
I do this even if the clothing comes from a smoke free, pet free home. It's usually dust that gets up your nose more than anything else. After all, this has probably been hanging in someone's closet for an inordinate amount of time.

I've gone a bit PayPal mad too because it means I don't have to go to the bank to deposit the money. Yes, thankfully I do exercise. See my post "walking with hand weights is the best exercise".

I am glad to be replenishing my wardrobe. I have forced myself to be interested in fashion. What other people are wearing etc. It's been hard because I really don't care. But I will learn. Necessity, such as running out of tops while your other ones are in the wash - these are the sort of things that motivate me.

Anyway, Donatella Versace need not be scared just yet. What am I saying? Scratch that. Now I'm scared. Stop talking. Okay.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wow. I don't usually do this but sometimes there is that one special Ebay seller that catches my eye. I'm not going to name anybody, not interested in doing that - I'd just like to point out how important it is to read the seller's feedback before making any bids.

Seller stats:

17 sales - member since early '07

Not a good start! By the way, one of these marked as positive had left a negative feedback comment.

Some of the comments were along these lines (I am paraphrasing of course) :

"...Packaging was not adequate. Broken on arrival..."
"...Item was dirty and old, described as new..."
"...This item is not authentic OR rare as stated..."

You get the idea.

The phenomenal overall positive score for this person was 75% - this is the lowest score I have seen so far. Perhaps someone can correct me on this.

I was thinking of buying an item from this character until I decided to check out the feedback. I'm glad I did. The retail price of this item is cheaper than the Ebay listing by $30.

The point is, these people exist out there, so beware.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

I bought this book on Ebay last week. The seller marked the postage as $6.00 and soon after I won the book, they upped it to $10.00 - hmmm. I wasn't impressed actually. I sent back an email politely pointing out that they had added the wrong postage amount and they sent one back to draw my attention to the fine print at the bottom of their ad, stating that the postage is increased for other states and all items are posted via registered post. Infuriatingly, their contradictory ad states that their postage is $6.00 flat rate, and that there will be no registered post option.

What can you do? You can't reason with these people, they are like snakes or lizards. They just listen to you, nod, and slither away. It is impossible to get them to realise they have made an error and should therefore cover all costs, rather than forcing the buyer (me!) to cover the costs of their misleading ads. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Aside from this, the book appears to be a comprehensive Pilates manual. I already own "Pilates - The Authentic Way" by Dina Matty and Keft Burdell, which is a mini-pilates book packed with great exercises. You really feel like you have exercised after doing a few repetitions of these exercises! It hurts!

"The Pilates Body" by Brooke Siler contains the same exercises found in "Pilates - The Authentic Way", plus a number of exercises I have not yet seen, such as the "Bicycle" and the "Boomerang".
I am more familiar with Yoga than Pilates, and I am fast realising that the two are completely different. For one, pilates hurts more but I can really feel how it will make a difference over time. There is a quote by Joseph H. Pilates on the back cover, reading "In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference, and in thirty you'll have a whole new body." In other words, you won't recognise your ass when you walk by a shop window.

My only criticism of the book is that the illustrations aren't in colour. Aside from this, I am looking forward to working through this book slowly. In "Pilates - The Authentic Way" I learned that it is best to do only a few exercises at a time and get them right, rather than do a lot of exercises at once. This is great advice and makes sure you take time to learn the principles rather than rushing through without paying attention to detail.

I'm off to dust off the Pilates mat!

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

While scanning the items on Ebay, I've noticed a sneaky trick sellers might use to get you to part with your dollars. Here's an example of one of the nasty ads:

"1GB POD MP3/MP4 player" or "1GB SHUFFLE MP3 player"

You will notice that the ads don't mention the term "Apple", because they're not.

Even worse is this particular ad found today: "IPOD Nano Style Mp3 Player"

Many people are likely to put a bid on these items without checking them out carefully. Yes, it's true that there is an MP3 player called an IPOD and there is also an IPOD Shuffle. These sellers know the familiarity of these terms and are trying to get away with unsuspecting Ebayers' money. If you read the ads carefully, you will find it says something like "this is NOT Apple brand" or words to that effect. But often by the time a person has bid, it is too late to read the fine print.

Here's an example of one of these fakes:

And the real Apple product:

The fake IPOD Shuffle:

Versus the real Apple IPOD Shuffle:

The items are pretty similar. Not identical, but pretty close. If the ad looks pretty much LIKE the real deal, it inspires confidence to buy, which is going to end in disappointment when the piece of crap arrives. The worst thing about this is buyers paying top dollar for second rate knock-offs from who-knows-where!

Anyway, keep your ear to the ground and always do your research before putting a bid on anything on Ebay. If you ask questions and check out all the information, you've got a much better chance of getting a genuine bargain rather than a cheap imitation.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Wow, I've really broken into the big time. Get this for business acumen...

I bought a completely bollocksy book on how to play bass called "The Bass Grimoire". To give you some background on the book, imagine the most complicated, overblown and head-up-a$$ way to explain some really simple concepts and you pretty much have "The Bass Grimoire". I mean, the fact that it's called "The Bass Grimoire" should actually be a clue to the pretentiousness of the content. It really tries to scare the beginner away from getting anywhere near the "Ivory Tower" of knowledge that spouts from the overrated author's rear end.

So, there's the background. I decided to sell this book because I couldn't find a use for it and at the time I was pretty well stocked with toilet paper.

I bought some years back for $40.00 (money well spent!) and decided to try my skills as a seller on Ebay. I put the postage down for $8.00, thinking that this would be about right, and put a no reserve auction into play.

By the end of the auction 7 days later, some lucky punter had won the item for 0.99c!

And the postage turned out to be $9.00 so I lost a dollar on postage as well.

So altogether I am down $40.01 (if my erroneous maths serves me correctly)

Wow. I'm a real mover and shaker.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Expletive expletive expletive. I tried to buy this MP3 player - Creative Muvo, as I have discussed in earlier posts is pretty much all you need as far as these things are concerned. Well, all I need anyway. And some no-talent-ass-clown pips me at the post. I mean really. It's just so rude. I was watching the whole thing unfold in front of me, quite sure I had it sorted.

Some people may suggest getting the Ebay toolbar. Perhaps, but it wouldn't have helped me in this situation...

the @$$#% person somehow managed to put in a bid EXACTLY $1 over my maximum bid when the time left reads: less than 1 minutes.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Just when I was starting to get worried, my denim jacket arrived yesterday. I am sometimes apprehensive about ordering things from Canberra. For some reason, I don't think Australia Post likes addresses with "DC" in them. But here it is.

I bought this Jacket on Ebay for $5
I wouldn't have necessarily bought it if I had looked more closely at the postage. It was $15. Still, a denim jacket for $20 isn't prohibitive, it's just a tad steep. It arrived in an express post envelope that would most likely have cost $7. I don't like artificially inflated postage costs and Ebayers who practice this should be sent to Abu Dhabi by unregistered post.

So, here it is. I actually quite like it.

It's a good addition to my new wardrobe. This is probably the first time I have bought a whole bunch of new clothes for about 10 years. Speaking of which, my Doc Martens are getting a bit scrappy. I must say my last pair lasted for a lot longer - 12 years or so. I bought these ones about 4 or 5 years ago and they started to fall apart straight away. I think I got a lemon.

So I might just go scouring Ebay for Doc Martens. Or I could buy a new pair for $180.00 Gee, let me think now....

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ahhh. What a way to start the morning. This brilliant AC/DC T-Shirt arrived in the post this morning. It was gift wrapped very nicely and even came with a free gift - a black rubber bracelet! It felt like it was my birthday and I was turning 15! Here it is in all it's glory:

*Sigh* Original vintage AC/DC top, Bon Scott lineup, circa Highway to Hell.

I managed to bag it for $6.99 - it was delivered in 2 days. What more can I ask for? Well, lots of things. That car from Supernatural for a start. And 2 tickets to Seattle. And a Google Page Rank of 5. But I digress. I remember being in Olympia, Washington at a school dance and AC/DC came on the loudspeaker, sending everyone crazy. I stood up on a table and declared that AC/DC are Australian. I was yelled down, nobody was prepared to believe me. Yep, that's right. In Olympia, these people thought that Nirvana may have been Australian, and AC/DC were American. Oy Veh.

Why then, has AC/DC lane been recently opened in the heart of Melbourne CBD? And why does it say in Wikipedia that the band was formed in Sydney in 1973? It is widely known that members of the band spent time living in Prahran, VIC. And where did people think AC/DC were in the "Long Way to The Top" video? Swanston Street, San Francisco? I don't know. Sometimes I just don't know.

Okay, Bon Scott was born in Scotland, and Angus & Malcolm Young were also born in Scotland, but they all emigrated to Australia. And Phil Rudd and Mark Evans were born in Melbourne, Australia. So there. I'm tired now from my rant. I'm going to get a coffee.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

After battling the demons from the Ebay Jinx, peace is now restored to my part of the globe. For some background info see The Dreaded Ebay Jinx, The Ebay Jinx Continues and Die Demon Die!!! The Ebay Jinx Will be Laid to Rest!!!

I grabbed a serious bargain on Ebay - this excellent striped off-the-shoulder top for 0.99c

That's right! 0.99c!
The postage ($3.00) actually cost more than the top itself, which is quite exciting. And it arrived quickly too!

I am beginning to update my wardrobe from the ground up.

This top arrived today. It was a pretty good start:

I ended up paying $4.35 plus $5.00 postage. I bought a top similar to this about a year ago for $16 so I have saved $6.65 (the neighbour of the beast!!) Ha ha!

No seriously, the Ebay Jinx is no more. Vanquished. Squished. Exorcised. Buggered off. Finally.

I don't expect to see any more supernatural activity on Ebay.

Speaking of which, it might be appropriate to finish with a moment from Sam & Dean Winchester from "Supernatural":

Dean: "Let me know if you see any dead people Haley Joel."
Sam:"Dude enough."
Dean:"Sam who you think is hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or you?
Dean:"I've got a question for you. You've seen a lot of movies, yeah?
Kat: "I guess so."
Dean:"Do me a favor. Next time you see one, pay attention. When someone says a place is haunted don't go in."

P.S. Back to shopping: I want this car.

It will be mine.

Or at least something very much like it.

I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use left-hand drive Chevys in Australia.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia - don't sue me!

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Re: People bidding over $1 million dollars for Britney Spears hair on Ebay

Okay. I've had it. I don't know if this is FOAD Monday, Tuesday or whatever. For me, today is FOAD day. So there.

Please, fellow humans, do not be a sheep and follow the megalomaniacal (is that a word?) media in their bloodthirsty and vulturous (I think I made up another word - being angry does that to a person!) quest for sensationalism out of complete triviality.

If aliens came to our planet and found out that various members of humanity had decided to spend $1M upwards (yes, that's right, 1 million dollars or more) on a pile of human hair, they would decide we are either insane, very simple or that humans in general possessed the same intellectual and spiritual capacity of pond scum and single-celled amoeba.

It's HAIR. I don't care whose hair it is. It's HAIR. You know? The stuff that gets clogged in the drain when you are having a shower. The stuff you clean off your hairbrush. The bits you sweep off the floor and vaccum off the carpet.

Ooo but it's Britney's Spears' hair! Britney! Britney! Britney! WGAF (hey wow, I think I made up a new nerdism. Try and work it out...)

I don't care if it's the Czar, the Queen, Britney Spears or hair from someone's dog. It's hair and a can of Red Bull you can get for $2.40 from a vending machine.

People who have $1 million dollars to spend and want to spend it on such trivial rubbish should be tied up with string and made to donate the money to Oxfam or something.

In fact, dammit, if you are one of these incredibly stupid, incredibly rich people with a penchant for sweepings from the floor of a hair salon (and by the way, how do people this stupid get this rich? Clearly wealth is not a measure of intellectual capacity) then why don't you do the following:

1. Go to local hair salon, ask very nicely for sweepings off floor (I'm sure they will oblige!!)
2. Go to a vending machine, buy a Red Bull for $2.40, put on some lipstick, take a few sips and make a clear lipstick mark on the can.
3. Donate $1M to Oxfam or the Red Cross.
4. Put stupid hairy stuff and Red Bull in a cabinet. Okay it didn't belong to Britney Spears, but are you beginning to see how ridiculous this is?
5. Stop watching sillly entertainment shows promoting insignificant garbage.

You will feel better knowing that an entire village can build a well, build a school, get vaccinated against disease and grow crops.

Or you can say, "stuff the rest of the world, I want my hair and Red Bull from Britney"

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I don't know what it is. Perhaps the stars were out of alignment. Perhaps Mercury was in retrograde. Perhaps something was in the water.

The fact is, the Ebay Jinx has not been put to rest. See "The Dreaded Ebay Jinx!" post.

It makes me think of Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors where Amanda Krueger
(Sister Mary Helena) says:

"The unquiet spirit must be laid to rest. It is an abomination to God and to man."

I must defeat the Ebay demon before it is too late.

There is only one way to start.

I'll be going to Ebay now and you know what I'll be shopping for...

So as I venture off to parts unknown I will leave you with these words:

"You are about to attend a that's long overdue"
(Nightmare on Elm St 3 - Dream Warriors.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I love E.T.

Anyone who didn't cry in the bit where Elliot finds E.T. dying has a cold, black heart.

Here are some E.T. goodies:

E.T. Doll

This is the cutest thing ever. My friend had one of these on school camp when we were little munchkins. She cried for a week because she lost her E.T. doll at the beach. Sometimes it's good to revive those things you liked when you were a kid.

E.T. Yo-Yo

Do you even remember these? No PS2 here!! Yep, that's right. Entertainment without electricity. It used to happen a lot more. Next thing we know we're all going to have to plug a cord into our frontal lobes so we can lower our intelligence by watching Big Brother. Big Brother? Does anyone get the 1984 reference or do they just think about what Mandy and Brad are doing in the shower? I think it's dangerous to raise a generation of people into thinking that invasion of privacy and loss of dignity and humanity is the way to operate.

But I digress.

E.T. & Me Badge

Speaking of munchkins, how sweet is Drew Barrymore in this?


I'm off to dig out my rollerskates and listen to my old Madonna tapes.