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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

According to a recent AAP article, a world blue singlet record has been created in Deniliquin, New South Wales by a large bunch of ute fans at the 2009 Deni Ute Muster.

Translation - lots of people (especially guys wearing blue singlets) who like utility vehicles got together to do some very Australian stuff. This includes admiring other people's utility vehicles, standing around with a VB can in a stubby holder and, of course, donning the obligatory blue singlet for the world record attempt. 2230 people were successfully 'mustered' (heh heh) together to break the previous record for the blue singlet gathering.

Now, back to the main game - fashion.

The basic blue singlet is the mainstay of Australian male fashion. In many suburbs, regional centres, and remote outback stations, a blue singlet shirt will be found on the back of the "Aussie Bloke".

Popularised by shearers, it can be seen modeled by truck drivers, ute lovers, farm hands, tradesmen, pub frequenters and even the great Paul Hogan.

Accessories can include but are not limited to:

blue heeler dog
thongs (not the underwear - the footwear!!)
stubby holder
big floppy hat
cowboy hat
hat with corks on it
excessive sunburn

For some reason this post is making me want a beer...

You can get it any old how. Matter of fact I've got it now.


Image courtesy of TheBlokeShop

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The runway is THE place where people get the latest ideas, trends and purchase clothing they can wear in real life.

That's how it is supposed to go, but the reality is a little different. Courtesy of "Your Beauty Spot" Ninemsn:


Incognito at the beach: How cool am I? I've got three pairs of sunglasses. And big hairy lips...

For meeting the boyfriend's parents: A touch of Cousin It Couture...

For a humid day full of static electricity: I've told you before - don't touch that metal door handle!!

The Big Hairy Um... I'll let you decide for yourself what this may be trying to represent...

Whatever happened to "just a trim thanks!"....?

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was in a grocery store checking out ginger tea today and I happened to hear the following conversation:

"I would like to apply for an account."

"Did you bring your undies?"

This had me bemused for a moment. Why would someone request underwear for a store account application? Is this some kind of security in case the person in question rushes off without paying their account?

"Ha ha!! You can't go!! I've got your undies!!"

After about a minute of wandering I caught another part of the conversation and finally made the connection. She was saying "Do you have any IDs?".

The tyranny of the English language. I'm glad I don't have to learn it.