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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stress is a daily part of all of our lives. And sometimes you just want to scream, or beat the living $h!t out of some clown who won't serve you due to some bureaucratic loophole in their tiny consciousness. Or when you try on what seems like 50 tops and all of them seem to have been made for people who don't give a crap what they look like. Tassels, frilly bits, bloody tent shaped bits that don't do anybody any favours. Or when Blogger corrects favours in the spell check because the US spelling leaves out every second letter. What's next? We're going to spell it favrs? Or Frs? Or F?
Or clothing shops that insist on playing techno music at full volume with the subwoofer thumping through your eardrums while you
A. Try something on
B. Try to make a decision about the clothes
C. Try to hear yourself think!!

Then you hear the obligatory glass-shattering tones of the shop assistant "howy'goingintherealright?" The thing about Australians is that when they get lazy or think it doesn't matter, they string an entire sentence together into one word. Cricketers do it all the time.

In fact, a lot of Australians could be race callers without any training at all.

I really can't stand change rooms. One time I had a shop assistant try to COME IN to the change rooms while I was trying stuff on. I draw the line at yelling through the saloon doors. I don't know what she was thinking.

It's amusing that I have a shopping blog but I can't stand shopping for clothes. That's why I buy so much stuff online. You completely do away with the change room. It has its pitfalls of course, eg finding out you bought UK or US sizes by mistake, but it generally works for me. And I don't end up pale, exhausted and with a thousand-yard stare at the end of it.

I think I feel better now. I'm off to get a chamomile.

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Monday, May 21, 2007


...John Howard has an "Education Revelation" - if he doesn't make some promises now, he's toast...

...Malcolm Turnbull is afraid of pirates...

...The Flying Kangaroo sells soul...nobody buys it...

..."Work Choices" has been renamed "Work No Choices" to avoid confusion...

...And this just in,

...Aussie blogger struggles to fit into jeans after an extra-hot tumble drying incident...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have visited a number of blogs in the past and wondered what those little avatars on the sidebar were all about...

Since joining BlogCatalog, I realise that my avatar will show up every time I visit another BlogCatalog member. And they can then see my profile and check out my site. I am amazed at the number of messages I have received from BlogCatalog members so far. It's sort of annoying I didn't think of doing this before.

Here's the link to my BlogCatalog profile. And this is what it looks like:

You can send messages to other members, add people as contacts, join communities and rate other blogs. It's a great way to widen your blog audience. If you want to join BlogCatalog, just follow the link and register your blog.

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The step by step blueprint to attract a flood of subscribers. Become a six figure blogger by following these steps. Free ebook.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Paintball Emporium's site proudly states itself to be "home of the paintball bodybags". Let me explain. The rather grisly term refers to a waterproof, multi-chambered bag to hold all your paintball equipment.

There is some pretty heavy duty stuff here - with a range of fierce looking Paintball Guns - featured here is the creatively named "Psycho Ballistics Delta .68" paintball gun.

The design of Paintball Emporium's site is subtly reminiscent of a computer game welcome screen. And paintball is the next logical step up from a computer game - more fun and a lot messier!

Have you ever been curious as to what paintballs look like? This packet looks a bit like frozen peas - but you wouldn't want to be hit by one of these! Paintball Emporium carries a large range, including glow in the dark, so you must endure your shame even at nighttime!

According to some paintball enthusiasts, the important points are whether or not a paintball will break in your chamber or on impact. The cheaper brands can sometimes get broken by the bolt in the chamber, creating what is termed a "chop", which is not what you need when you are trying to fire at someone.

Other things to look out for are the quality of the shells - specifically whether any of the paintballs have dimples or deformities as this can affect accuracy. Furthermore, you don't want a paintball that bounces, for the obvious reason that your hit will not be shown on your target, much to their amusement! It is also important to have a certain thickness and visibility in the paint so your opponents can't just wipe it off when nobody is looking.

Paintball Emporium is a kind of one-stop-shop for paintball supplies. The prices are close to wholesale and the range includes everything paintball: clothing, goggles, guns, sights, harnesses, air systems, squeegies, plus videos and magazines for the enthusiast.

According to their info page, products are shipped directly using UPS and you must be 18 years or older to purchase from the online store. It also contains a disclaimer just in case you do something silly with a paintball gun and decide to blame the suppliers. Paintball is not a game to be taken lightly - it is important to learn the ins and outs before just blasting away. Get some good training, watch the safety briefing video and find out everything you can. As far as supplies go, Paintball Emporium could be a good place to start.

Important Note: This has been a paid review. This does not mean I am paid to have an opinion that pleases others. My review contains my own observations about the subject matter - both positive and negative. The review may contain criticism, suggestions and comments of my own choosing. See disclosure policy for more details.

I have been very frustrating trying to locate my Technorati Rank of late. The new Technorati system seems to display "authority", but for the life of me I can't find the rank anymore. After a bit of searching I have finally found a good Technorati Rank Checker. The site is called RankWidget and it will give you the option to display a widget on your site with the Technorati Rank displayed. If you are like me, and just want the "your rank is..." part, then this is a good place to find out.

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