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Thursday, July 26, 2007

I can't imagine why someone would get rid of this.

And now, for the man who has everything (except perhaps class)

Speaking of class...

This is so tacky I don't even know where to start. A tongue piercing. In the shape of... AND it glows in the dark!

Something now for the stressed executive...

This doll is able to be repeatedly mutilated to provide stress relief for the executive. Just don't beat the sh!t out of the doll when someone could walk in because you are likely to get sent on permanent leave. A grown man. Killing a doll. Freud would have a field day. Can you spell serial killer?

And my favourite one goes in the "if you're stupid enough to buy it, I'll sell it to you" category:

The description is brilliant. Here's a direct quote:

"...Like conjoined twins this Pizza Shape has no lines in between so at birth in the cutter and ovens they remain truly brother and sister. After eating Savoury Shapes for a lifetime I have never seen such a rare beast as this one..."

All this time I have been sitting on a fortune. Every time I've munched on 'conjoined' barbeque shapes I could have been stockpiling them and making a fortune! Ah...the agony of hindsight.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kate at Electric Venom is doing a linky love fest so if you want to get in on the action there's very little time left. It's one of those things you have to do to get the page rank smoking.

By the way, I have included trackbacks on all my posts. It will be interesting to see if it makes a difference to page rank, Alexa etc.

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As you probably know, I spend quite a bit of time on Ebay. Some of the things I have discovered are too weird not to display here. So without further ado...the weirdest of the bunch:

Gold Coated Smith's Potato Chip

What can I say. For the person who has everything. Except a gold covered potato chip.

Sydney Ghost / Crime Tour in a Hearse

If this is your idea of a good time, ie. being chauffeured around Sydney in a haunted hearse looking at ghost sites and crime scenes, then look no further. Actually this sounds pretty cool.

And...for that really hard to buy person...

The Amazing Screeching Slingshot Monkey

What I love about this one is that not only does it fly, it screeches as well. If you are mad at one of your friends and they have a kid, buy this for their kid as a present. (insert diabolical laughter here)

This next one isn't particularly weird, but I just loved the name...

Amazing refined bone double wonderful carbs

I think they mean crabs. Or frogs?!?! Tell you what, a week on the Atkins diet and you will be craving the wonderful carbs.

And I couldn't go past this one. For the moron who is easily led distinguished buyer...

Amazing Suicide Door Conversion for Any Car!

Suicide door? The name itself should put you off. Not to mention the impracticality. word: why?

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