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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I found this clip through David W. Boles’ Urban Semiotic ™

I like Pink already so I didn't need convincing. Protest songs. We need them. I agree...

Here it is - Pink "Dear Mr President":

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thanks to Ann from A Nice Place In The Sun and Christy from Totally Fabulous for this award.

I'd like to thank my partner, my family, my greengrocer, various Ebay sellers, God, my toy stress pig, um...

if I don't stop now I'm going to do a Gwyneth!

Yay!! How fun!

I'd like to nominate the blogs that I believe are fabulous. Here we go (drum roll, please)
the winners are:

A Diva's Dressing Room
Handbag Showcase
Indie Shopping

Congrats to all!

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Monday, September 10, 2007

I know it sounds cliche but spring cleaning actually exists. I am struck down my this motivating cleaning bug at almost exactly the same time each year. Big big garbage bag of unwanted clothing went into the Red Cross bin this morning. But there are some things you just don't want to give to charity. Because they have rips, weird stains and other strange anomalies. Also, some things you just don't want other people to have. Sometimes you want to burn something, or let it rot in a hole in the ground. Stuff that reminds you of things you would rather not be reminded of. I think it's best to do what is right for you. If I really want to get rid of something I throw it in the bin. It gives me great pleasure to know that something that I have held on to for far too long will decomposing in landfill, returning to the earth, returning to nature.

It's nice to get rid of the old and make space for the new. It's amazing how many clothes hangers I have now. Just waiting for new clothes....


I'm off to check out some new clothes on Ebay.

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