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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Artists Impression of Gilese 581d, photo credit HelloFromEarth

HelloFromEarth was set up to send messages from Earth to a planet named Gliese 581d, a planet that is speculated to possibly contain life. The messages were moderated, approved and sent on the 28th August 2009. The messages were sent from the NASA/CSIRO Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, Australia.

Here are some of my favourite messages currently on their way to Gilese 581d:

"Greetings strangers. If you need an interpreter for these messages, I'm great at languages. Let me know, got no plans for the next 50 years or so."

"I think that you already know my husband. He is from another planet! Drive carefully and don't speed. See you soon. GM. xxx"

"Hello Neighbour, Please don’t consider these messages as alien-spam! Thanks, Lonely Earth"

"Look forward to working with you skateboarding!And also invite you to eat dumplings!"

"Long live Dave Grohl. Long live Foo Fighters. Long live Czech beer. Let's rock!"

"Alien dude, need tickets to Pearl Jam."

The messages will take around twenty years to reach their destination and will take around twenty years for a reply to come back to earth. A total of 25,880 messages were sent with a file size of 2,845,539 bytes.

I hope they have broadband.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ted Baker Teardrop Silk Dress

Ted Baker has come to my attention recently and I was so impressed that I have decided to add him to my "Let's go shopping" section on the sidebar.

For the budget conscious (which is most people these days!!) I managed to find it for $130 (normally $325) - InviteOnly

Bumbershoot Designs (Etsy) Rainier Raindrop Rhinestone Earrings


And finally, the best invention since... low carb beer.

These little beauties fold out and rest on the table, while you hang your bag off the coil. I can't remember how many times I have been seated outside, not wanting to put my bag on the ground but then not wanting to sit with my bag in my lap, either.

Here is a purse hook in action. The weight of the bag keeps the purse hook in place and your bag doesn't get covered in dust or dog business, leaving your hands free to do... whatever it is you do.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I am happy to announce that SaveSaveSave goes mobile today. You will find the link at the top of the menu just to the right of "Home".

Here are the links for direct connection:

For Mobile users:

For iphone users:

Please feel free to contact me re: accessibility and other issues.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

As I briefly stated on Twitter (does anyone read Twitter these days? Hehehe) - I went "beep" at the supermarket again.

For some reason it is my destiny in life to go "beep" (see previous post "I am not a shoplifter I just go "beep") whenever there are security devices or metal detectors. I once travelled from Melbourne to Los Angeles, California to Mexico, from LAX to Seattle, from Seattle to Hawaii, all going beep at every available opportunity. If I didn't look so clueless I probably would have got myself into trouble along the way. Strangely on my way back from Mexico to California, the jolly looking man at the border checkpoint smiled broadly and ushered me AROUND the metal detectors so I didn't have to get checked in any way. It was very nice of him and it's lucky for California that I'm not some kind of arms smuggler.

On returning from this trip I discovered the source of my troubles - a security sticker with a Terminator-style chip on the inside. This security disturber was stuck to the back of my liquid makeup.

Well, you would think that I would have learned by now but no. I bought Revlon New Complexion Makeup (sorry Musq!) and unbeknownst to me, it carried one of these strange stickers on the back of the bottle.

So I nonchalantly walk into the supermarket and hear a deafening beep. People looked at me suspiciously, like I was some kind of criminal. The fact that I was walking IN to the supermarket was lost on them. That had I been apprehended, I would have been found guilty of "shopputting" rather than "shoplifting".

This is an interesting concept. In London a company named TalkTalk hired a bunch of former pickpockets to become "putpockets", distributing anything from 5 - 20 pounds to random strangers without their knowledge. I love this idea. It's nice. It's just that if I catch some dude with his hand in my bag I'm more likely to go Ninja on him rather than ask him whether he is dropping off or picking up. But I digress.

So I've just gone beep. I retreat to a quiet aisle where I can painstakingly remove the offending sticker. The sadists who made these stickers ensured that it was impossible to remove the dang thing without getting your fingernails clogged with brittle silver goo. Finally I found a loose thread and "wound" the whole sticker off. By this time I was sweating slightly and starting to panic at the thought of having to go beep on my way out. I had almost removed all traces of the crap when an announcement comes over the loudspeaker.

"Security check Aisle 5"

Oh yeah, whatever I thought. I remember some friends in retail telling me that people just say that over the speaker randomly to keep people on their toes. So I relaxed a bit.

Then I looked up - I was in Aisle 5.

Then I looked around - there was no-one else in Aisle 5.

My shopping expedition turned into a cloak and dagger game of evasion as I wound my way through aisles, scratching annoying bits of residual silvery sticky crap off the accursed bottle of makeup. And trying to clean my fingernails for fear that they might set off the alarm again.

I grabbed the few items I needed and escaped quite slowly through the checkout.

Receipt in hand, out into the arms of freedom, the fugitive lives to fight another day.

Friday, August 28, 2009

At this time in Australia and New Zealand, labelling palm oil on food products is not a requirement. It will appear on labels as "vegetable oil" in food items and Elaeis guineensis in cosmetic items.

The problem with palm oil is that forests are being destroyed to make way for palm plantations. This practice destroys the natural habitat of the endangered Orang-utan.

Please watch the video and sign the Zoos Victoria petition calling for palm oil labelling to be included in the nutritional information chart on food products.

Don't Palm Us Off from Zoos Victoria on Vimeo.

How to identify palm oil in products: Shopping Guide

Resources and more information on palm oil: