. . .

Monday, May 25, 2009

I have been rather unwell of late, which means I have been watching a large amount of TV. In my half-stupor, I have been transfixed, unable to gather up the energy to change the channel - hence my exposure to another informercial.

The "Snuggie".

The Snuggie is amazing. It can keep you warm while providing arm holes so you can (quote / unquote) "move your arms".

Yeah. So can a jumper.

Or a blanket. But according to the infomercial, blankets can apparently "slip and slide". And when you're wearing a blanket and you try to reach for something, your hands are "trapped inside". Really? I was not aware of that. Maybe some people actually do spend a lot of time trapped inside slippery blankets that grip tighter than a strait jacket. It's probably more common than I think.

Here's his holiness now, enjoying a well-earned rest and a snack. Oh no, wait. It's a Snuggie. Papal fashion must be in.

Of course one size fits all. It's a big, shapeless, weird-assed robe.

Note to couples: if anyone sees you wearing this thing they will most likely assume you have joined some whacko religious cult. What they probably won't say to your face is that you look kind of... well... deranged.

Wait a moment. Did they just say "outdoors"? Fine. Just fine. It's just that if your neighbour pops his head over the fence he'll be off calling the police, explaining that members of the Spanish Inquisition are holding a revival in your backyard...

No. Please. Come on. They're wearing these things outside. In public.
At sporting events. Where there are other people.
Oh, the humanity.

Ah, now the commercial is assuring us that the Snuggie is perfect for those drafty dorm rooms.

Yeah? Well they're about to get a whole lot draftier.

Take hormonal school leavers, add beer, add parties and add... a Snuggie? Wow.

What a great way to be on your own every Saturday night...

Repel guys...

...And girls...

And get a serious embarrassment complex leading to problems in interpersonal relationships later in life.

On the bright side, it gives you much more time to study...

So... if you want to embarrass your kids, look like a lost member of a goat-sacrificing cult, the Pope or even a member of the Spanish Inquisition, if being warm is far more important to you than looking like sensible human being, if you think looking hot in College is for squares... and you really don't want to find a partner...


Then what are you waiting for?

Call now...

Discover the alternative to expensive cable TV, no monthly charges and global access to 4500 channels. No hardware required. Stream HD channels directly from your laptop.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The idea behind the Australian Government's stimulus package is to increase the cash spent on Australian products, Australian businesses and in Australian communities. "Buy Local" is the catchcry.

According to the NineMSN Managing Money section:

  • A $900 bonus will be paid to taxpayers with taxable income up to and including $80,000.
  • A $600 bonus will be paid to taxpayers with income exceeding $80,000 to $90,000.
  • A $250 bonus will be paid to taxpayers with income exceeding $90,000 to and including $100,000.

Here are some ways you can spend your stimulus money while supporting the local economy:

Book a holiday within Australia.

This is one of the best ways to support the Australian economy. You will be supporting a number of businesses. If you travel by car, you will be supporting petrol stations, roadhouses and restaurants. And lets not forget pubs. The money from your holiday will go to bed & breakfast owners, motels, hotels, pubs and backpackers. If you travel by rail, you will be supporting the rail workers, ticket collectors, drivers and station masters. If you travel by plane, you will be supporting Australian captains, baggage handlers and stewards.

Photo courtesy MaxEphotos.

Local Restaurants and Pubs

This week I have passed a number of restaurants with empty tables and no activity whatsoever. If you want to help the local economy, go to a restaurant and enjoy your meal, knowing that the money goes towards the restaurant staff, owner and manager. Attend a local pub and have a counter meal. See a local band, thus supporting the live music community. In these times, it is a good idea to go out and let one's hair down once in a while.

The People in Your Neighbourhood

Look around your local main street or shopping precinct. You will find hairdressers, beauty salons, clothing shops, bookshops and cafes. Look in your local yellow pages guides. You will find carpenters, window glazers, mechanics, cleaners, gardeners and painters. Enlist some help around the house and help local businesses in the process.

Make Small Changes

If you look around, you can find amazing local produce to replace the generic items you have been buying up until now. Australian made wines and cheeses, vegetables, eggs and delicacies. The Victoria Market has a great selection, or you could try South Melbourne, Chapel St or the equivalent in your state. Visit your local grocer, have fun finding the best produce from local growers. You will be reducing transport costs (good for the environment) and supporting Australian farmers.

Pay off your credit card

Some commentators scoff at this notion. I have two questions. One, what kind of an economy frowns on paying off debt and saving? Two, how did we get into this crisis in the first place? Irresponsible lending by greedy so-and-sos. Another thing that seems to have eluded the critics, if you spend your stimulus money on credit card debt, the bank gets the money. But then your finances are given more freedom. You can use the money you would have spent on credit card repayments on something nice like a road trip or at least a very large pub crawl.

And for those of you who say you don't want the stimulus money? Please donate to this blog using the paypal button and I will promise to spend it in the local community.

You might also be interested in this offer, it seems that the guys at are now paying people to go shopping and giving away a bunch of free stuff as well. The Free E-Guide "Get Your Purchases Free" is now available for download.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Alabama plate CD holder

Old West Soda Cap Belt

Washington Fender Purse

Recycling has become chic and Eco Fashion is the new buzzword. Littlearth have created their items through recycling and reusing things that would otherwise have been thrown away. Perhaps this is the beginning of an exciting time in fashion and accessories. I hope that in the future, more designers follow Littlearth's lead.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I don't know...

Is Twitter good for your blog? I have gained 300 Twitter followers in the last 2 or 3 days - I wonder what that actually means in real terms? What does anything mean anymore? I get around 250-300 emails a day. By the time I've finished deleting and actioning them, I don't have time to post anything!!

And does this make me any money? Well, yes. But that's not the point. I don't have TIME anymore. And that is the thing that is most precious. Especially to a blogger like myself.

I have become a little disillusioned with the whole Twitter/Digg/whatever culture of late. I can't say that I've learned much from other Twitterers so far. However I know this is a growing thing. The news and current affairs programs keep plugging their Twitter pages so perhaps somebody knows something...

Forgive me if I can't see where this is all going as yet. I don't want to be the person who laughed at the formative ideas of the first aeroplane or computer either. It's just that I get a lot of "make money quick I'll show you how." direct messages in Twitter and I'm getting a little tired of them. The most interesting conversation (yes, as in an actual back-and-forth conversation) is completely unprintable. It involved spontaneous outbursts of rude words. I suppose it's kind of equivalent to writing on the toilet door, except it's a bit quicker.

I could possibly hit 1000 Twitter followers by the weekend. But what does that mean? Have I achieved something? What can I do now that I couldn't do last week?

Sometimes I feel like primordial ooze in a council meeting of intelligent alien life forms.

Alien #1: You just whack the doohicky, splat the cosnarp and bang! You're in and you can snark!

Alien #2: That's so easy, I thought you had to grapsact the fookart first.

Alien #3: No dummy, that was in version 2.0 - we've fixed that now.

Primordial Ooze: Shclllurrrp!!!!

Yep, that's my understanding of quite a few things that are happening on the internet at the moment. And I grew up programming computers!!

Sometimes I just want to yell "Just spell it out in plain English!!! I'm sure I can target keywords within a single bound, break the light barrier and create niche markets. I just don't know why the f@%k I'm doing this when I could be sitting out in the sun reading a book!!!

Slowly I will get to understand the technobabble and when I get a spare ten seconds I will actually watch the hundreds of videos and PDFs I have downloaded "to watch later".

But I've realised something...

There is no later!!!!

Decide what you want to do and forget the rest. Life is too short.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

During my nocturnal weekend adventures I fell victim to the late night monster. No, I'm not talking about Freddy Krueger, I'm talking about...


The infomercial monster is a strange entity. It only comes out at night. It gets you when you're in or around the theta state, when your brain waves are susceptible to suggestion. Or brainwashing. You might wake up one morning and find out you're a Scientologist. Or worse...

Tough Guys and Grills

What is it about big tough guys advertising grill-type products? Why did George Foreman go from pummeling opponents to grilling meat? Perhaps it stems back to Rocky Balboa pummeling all those carcasses in the meat locker. Maybe all tough guys have an "I wanna grill me some meat" gene that kicks in around the time the career starts waning and the bills start piling up. Perhaps this goes some way to explaining why Hulk Hogan went down this very same road as George... But what I can't explain is why on earth Mr T, who played the legendary B.A. Baracus in the A-Team would decide to advertise the strange alien incubator they call "Flavor Wave"...

I hope this easy step-by-step guide helps you in understanding the process:

Step 1 - Put dead chook in incubator

Step 2 - Gather the family and watch the magic as your brains are irradiated and your intelligence circuits disintegrate. Or perhaps that already happened while you were watching the infomercial...

Step 3 - Marvel in awe as the innocuous looking chicken turns from normal raw chook to creepy alien life form that will take over your house while you sleep and beam you all up to the mothership where minions of other irradiated chickens will put you in a large human-sized incubator and watch your vital reactions to Mr T commericals...

My skin literally crawled when I saw this space-age torture chamber in action. The meat goes all gooey, then melts, then cooks freakily from the inside out while dripping, shifting, shrinking and... moving.

I don't know about you but I think I just got hungry...

It's even creepier in super time-lapse motion. You can see the turkey moving and shifting to assume its new earthling-irradicating form.

Forget "Species", this is the real deal.

According to the infomercial, the oven uses halogen light, apparently to "add that amazing crispyness". I recently bought a halogen heater. Powered with halogen light. Does that mean every time I warm my tootsies, I am crisping up and magically cooking from the inside out? Aaargh!! Why didn't somebody tell me!?!?

There were also signs that the audience had been compromised, perhaps already assimilated by the Scientologist mind-meld chicken mothership people.

The activity of watching two adults talk, wear aprons and cook dinner made them so fervent and excited you could have mistaken them for the audience in that "you get a car" Oprah episode.

Had I been present watching the creepy chickens and turkeys melting and liquefying, I would have run out of the TV station lot screaming "Fly you fools!! The pod people are coming!! The prophecy is upon us!!" while blasting Iron Maiden's 'Run to the Hills' out of my ipod speakers.

And you want to know the weirdest thing? At one point in the proceedings I even considered buying it...

...and I'm a vegetarian.

It just goes to show just how powerful the power of suggestion can be. It may have been the late hour, the theta brain waves, perhaps it was the brain meld...

For all I know I could now be an irradiated chicken cunningly mingling with society, waiting for my chance to shed my disguise and claim world domination.


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Online DVD rental convenience delivered to your door. Watch the latest trailers and get free delivery and free return by post. And no late fees.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Of all the dopey things to turn up in my inbox this morning.

Note to spammers:

1. I don't speak... er - that language.

2. I know when strange banks send me strange messages in strange languages, they're really reaching.

3. Ain't gonna be singur clicken anything, thanks Mr Intelegere. Or should I call you Pentru?

4. And flubbidy flubbity to you to. Don't wanna se va face round here no more.

Special note: Congratulations to the winner of the Macy's competition, drawn using a clever random picker - I have contacted the winner by email. I will announce the winner on my site only if s/he wishes to be identified.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's almost time...

Don't wait until it's too late!!

If you want to win the $20 gift card from Macy's, you have another 48 hours to subscribe to my feeds.

It's a cinch - subscribe to my feed in the top right sidebar of my blog. You will be automatically entered in the draw to win the Macy's card.

Good luck!!


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You might also be interested in this offer, it seems that the guys at are now paying people to go shopping and giving away a bunch of free stuff as well. The Free E-Guide "Get Your Purchases Free" is now available for download.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Got Jacked Sound Card Key Ring

From an 'ancient' 12-year old laptop. One day there will be a great archeological dig and people from the future will marvel at Commodore 64s and Macintosh SE/30 parts wondering "how did people survive in those days?"

Steampunk 8GB Jump Drive with Copper and encased Gears

This is pretty darn stylish. I think I want one...
Steampunk definition:
"Steampunk is a sub-genre of fantasy and speculative fiction that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. The term denotes works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century, and often Victorian era England—but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, such as fictional technological inventions like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or real technological developments like the computer occurring at an earlier date."
Source: Wikipedia

Shift Computer Key Necklace

Nothing says "I Love You" more than a computer keyboard necklace. Except maybe a large amount of WoW gold...

Tetris Pendant

So completely geek filled. Even more geeky is finding a person with the correct matching tetris pendant. It's like "Perfect Match" only more ...nerdy.

Come to the Dark Side T-Shirt

Cookies eh?...

Strong am I with the force

...but not that strong.

As you are probably aware, I am a little obsessed with cars at the moment. I want a car. No, scratch that, I need a car. Big time. Given a perfect scenario I would like a nice car. Not just any car, a really, really nice car. One of those 'exotic' ones that has been lovingly restored or built from the ground up. Yes, they are expensive but they're pretty dang amazing as well.

I have found the perfect place to fit out the perfect car with high performance car parts - for Lexus, Lamborghini and Ferrari and other high performance vehicles.

From personal experience I have been for a two and a half hour journey in a Ferrari once before. Granted, they have very little back seat room but I remember being stuck to the seat by gravity for most of the journey. I can see why people buy them if they happen to have the money.

The company, 'In Sixth Gear' also offers a door to door car customization service and loads of ideas for sprucing up your car. The site also features GPS tracking systems (for those of you who travel in style without a sense of direction), wheels and tires, engine parts to headlights and fog lights. This site is likely to appeal to those who enjoy racing cars, high performance luxury cars and motoring enthusiasts who enjoy "fixing up" various models.

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Charlie Brown Soft Toy

This is just cute. I used to read a lot of Charlie Brown as a kid and I think my favourite character was Schroeder. He reminded me of me when I used to practice the piano and didn't want to be distracted. Lucy used to annoy the crap out of me. I'm convinced she was based on a real person...

Petrified Wood - Limb

This is one of those gifts for the person who has everything - except for a petrified wood limb. If I decided to start a collection, I would have displays of crystals, fossils and various other oddities. It's called being eccentric.

Donnie Darko Original Soundtrack - Score featuring "Mad World"

Most people I know have an opinion on this movie. It is one of those films that is hard to define and even harder to quantify. The soundtrack was also an important feature of this film - if you ask me, many films would be less than great if not for the score.

Obama "We did it" Guitar Picks

It's amazing how many Obama items are for sale throughout the internet. This is a new age, a new era where the US president can move merchandise in such a manner.
The last US president seemed to fare less well...

Except perhaps for the sales of George W Bush dartboards...

Monday, April 06, 2009

I recently got my first ad offer for Twittad - the new Twitter advertising platform. It will be interesting to see how it goes (and of course I'm looking forward to getting paid!)

Twittad works like this:

  • Twitter member signs up for Twittad
  • Twittad advertisers place requests to advertise on member's Twitter page
  • Twitter member accepts (or declines) ad
  • Twitter member gets paid and the end of the advertising run (eg. 7 days, 14 days etc.)
The ad will replace your Twitter background for the duration of the advertising run. Here is a demonstration using my Twitter page as an example:

Before Twittad:

During Twittad advertising period:

After the advertising period your Twitter page reverts to its normal appearance. I have no idea how this Twittad thing is going to perform for both Twitter users and advertisers - what do you think?

If you are interested you can sign up here to join Twittad.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I have been overwhelmed lately with social networking. I Twitter until my hands fall off, Entrecard until I go cross-eyed and scour the halls of BlogCatalog like a hungry wolf...

I have discovered a new concept that I would not have thought about before - a social networking site called acobay based on common interests and "stuff".

It's so simple, dang it! I actually wish I had thought of it first. So I had to join up and see what it was all about.

The concept is actually pretty simple - you connect with people with whom you share interests or stuff - for example, let's say you are an Apple Mac enthusiast. You go to Computers-Apple and check out all the different Macs. You can either pick the one that you own, thus connecting you with other users of the same model, or you can add it to your wish list and discuss it with people who already own this model.

As soon as I joined, loaded up my avatar and set my profile (it's "LJP" by the way) - and went straight to my favourite category - Automobiles. I will be buying a car very soon but I am still shopping around for the right model. I found what is in my opinion to be the best car in the world - a Chevrolet Impala.

Yes, I did get the idea from watching too many episodes of "Supernatural" but it is the coolest car in the world. So I added it to my wish list:

I am a big believer in the law of attraction. Wish lists and watch lists and things of this nature tend to energise the decision that you will own this object. I can see myself spending a lot of time on this site...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

As I may have mentioned in one or many of my in earlier posts, I don't drink coffee anymore. Maybe I can torture... I mean placate myself with this glorious coffee soap made with real cream and coffee beans:

Cuban Coffee Bean Olive Oil Soap with Real Cream

Every time I have a shower I can remind myself of beautiful roasted coffee beans and cappucinos... the roasted bean aroma slowly drifting up and... AAARGHGHGH!!!!

I think I'll ask if they can do one for me in "dandelion" instead!!

Okay... ummm.

My Poop Don't Stink - Dark Rich Chocolate scented soap

Excuse me, I think I'll just go wash my hands in poop. This is either complete genius or completely sick. By the way, it's scented with dark chocolate fragrance.

Now this is more like it, a soap made from beer:

Jamaican Hops Beer Soap- green tea- lemon- black pepper

Aaaahhh!!! I probably wouldn't use it - I'd probably just sit there, sniffing it...

Er... moving right along...

Hi, my name is Herschell, I used to play Playstation in the shower until I got electrocuted. Now Mum has confiscated all my gaming equipment from the bathroom.

Sony Playstation video game controller soap, scented for men

Fear not, Herschell, you can now feed your insatiable Playstation addiction while showering, bathing and just washing your hands. You can marvel at the controls, practice your special moves and do whatever it is that you do in there. Just don't tell me about it...

And now, for something even weirder:


I'm glad to know that the horror Hannibal Lecter dragon's blood scented soap is vegan, otherwise I wouldn't buy it.

So, if you like to wake in fright each morning as you look down at your soap in a half-sleep and see Hannibal the Cannibal staring back at you, washing your bits...

If you like recreating the scene from "Psycho" every morning to break the monotony...

If you like the idea of a serial killer washing your body and making you clean I have only one thing to say.

...You're weird, Pal.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've been having some more fun creating a bunch of free Twitter backgrounds for you to use.

Feel free to share, etc.

- Click on theme and open in new window
- Save to desktop (or wherever you like!)
- Go to Twitter account
- Choose "Settings"
- Choose "Design" tab
- Upload your image from your computer
- Save!

Green Theme

Music Theme

Bookish Theme

Tiger Theme

Have fun!


How To Make Money Tweeting

Follow me on Twitter:

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How to make money with Twitter - turn your tweets into profits. Free guide.

More Twitter Backgrounds

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heresh to Shaint Patricksh Day... *hic!*

Let's all raise a glass to being er... slightly Irish and a Guinness Drinker...

St Patrick's Day is the day where everybody finds their Irish roots, no matter how tentative.

I think my Irish heritage is somewhere in the Great-Grandparents region however I will instantaneously turn into a Leprechaun as soon as a Guinness appears before me.

Leprechauns are magical after all...

Out of all the St Patrick's day t-shirts, this one is definitely my favourite:

Irish I were Drunk


Irish I were drunk too.

This how I usually talk after 3 pints of Guinness...shesh...


All I need to remember is where I stashed me gold...