Better Bathrooms has a range of Bathroom Suites for all kinds of bathrooms. The site features claw footed baths (my favourite!), spas/luxury baths, showers and bathroom furniture such as mirrors and basins, even bidets! They have a nationwide delivery service throughout the UK with 3-5 working days for standard delivery for stock items, 7-14 working days for out of stock items. Delivery charges are cheaper for combined orders and the delivery charge can vary between delivery destinations from mainland England to further afield. The delivery page explains in clear diagrams the process of ordering to the point of the item arriving on your doorstop. Better Bathrooms are open 9:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday in Wigan and Lancashire and you can purchase a 120-page full colour brochure from the website.
Many people have an idea of what they want their perfect bathroom to look like. Mine involves a freestanding bath, lots of storage space for towels and a large enclosed shower area. And lots of room for tealight candles! All that's needed now are the bath salts!
This post brought to you by BetterBathrooms
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